Membership Building

D29 Toastmasters Smedley Membership Campaign

Toastmasters International Smedley Membership Campaign August 1 to September 30, 2024 District 29 Clubs have an extra incentive to boost their membership during the Toastmasters International Smedley Award Membership Campaign, which runs from August 1 – September 30.  Bring in 5 new, dual, or reinstated members during the campaign period, and you will earn a special Smedley Award ribbon for your club banner, along with 10% off your next club order with Toastmasters International!  In addition to these incentives, District 29 Clubs that bring in 5 new, dual, or reinstated members will receive a $50 gift certificate from the TI store.  The Smedley Award Membership Campaign, named after Toastmasters founder Dr. Ralph Smedley, is a great opportunity for clubs to Lead the Future when it comes to membership building. How do you build membership?  Invite friends and colleagues to meetings with guest speakers.  Host an Open House.  Advertise on your company’s Intranet.  Use social media.  And speaking of Open Houses.  Have questions?  Need ideas?  Contact [email protected].