Club Guest Speakers - District 29 Toastmasters

Club Guest Speakers

Want to have a guest speaker at club? You can request one of the speakers below. More will be added soon.

Julia Tungli………………..[email protected]

Julia is a third-generation educator, second-generation Toastmaster, and first-generation motivation and well-being enthusiast. She has spent the last 20+ years as an educator in various roles honing her skills in public speaking, creative problem-solving, and unlocking potential. In her first two whirlwind years at Toastmasters, Julia joined the ranks of club leadership, won an area Evaluation Speech content, and completed the Motivational Strategies pathway. Now she’s looking to explore new arenas and share all she’s learned with your club.

Philip Wilkerson………….[email protected]

Philip is an Employer Engagement Consultant at George Mason University Career Services. He is host of his own podcast Positive Philter, which discusses such topics as Well-being, goal setting, career development, leadership, kindness in the workplace, mental health, family, relationships, and positive reframing of everyday situations.

Len Tran……….[email protected]

Being intrigued with public speaking, Len joined Toastmasters in 2018 to learn the art of public speaking.  During the first year, with his enthusiasm, he competed in the International Speech Contest and was placed 3rd in District 29.  Len competed again in the following year and won first place in the 2020 International Speech Contest in District 29.  Besides toastmasters, Len is a Chemical Engineer by day and teaches martial arts to a group of adults.

Nick Baskerville……….[email protected]

Nick is a member of Prince William County Toastmasters club 1973 in District 29, Division G, area 72. He holds an Advanced Competent Bronze (ACB) and is working on the Pathways Mastering Presentations and Engaging Humor. He is also a storyteller and comedian who’s been featured on shows such as The Moth, The Story Collider, and the Armed Service Arts Performance (ASAP) Program. You can find out more about storytelling, comedy, and public speaking by checking out the blogs Stories, Jokes, and Talks with Folks ( ) and Story Telling On Purpose ( ).

Edmond Joe…………..[email protected]
Like most people, Edmond Joe joined Toastmasters to increase his public speaking skills. It took him 6 months before he had the courage to give his 4 – 6 minute ice breaker speech. After 7 years in Toastmasters, he finally had the courage to enter the Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest where he won first place in the 2009 District 27 Humorous Speech contest. Since 2020, Edmond has led an engaging and interactive workshop for District 29 Toastmasters on how to create a Toastmasters speech in 12 minutes. The workshop has become a frequent elective education session at District 29 Toastmaster Leadership Institutes and has proved to be one of the most popular with attendees. Edmond also offers his workshop — and guest speeches – at numerous Toastmaster clubs in Districts 27, 29, and 36.

Shantel Nock…………[email protected]

In February 2017, Shantel joined Toastmasters to cultivate her desire to become a Professional Speaker. Shantel is an entrepreneur and International Speaker working towards becoming an Accredited Speaker. Shantel is also a Professional working in the Behavioral Health Field. In 2018, she started her company, Empower With Words College Prep, assisting parents and students with navigating the college, scholarship, and career processes. She also volunteers as a Gavel Club Facilitator with Jack and Jill Alexandria-Mt.Vernon Chapter. 

Dr. Glenda Clare……….[email protected]

A life coach, career counselor and author.  Dr. Clare’s focus is on human performance improvement. She is a specialist in the development of the health and human service professional workforce, is an experienced professional speaker and meeting/conference facilitator

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