If you wish to submit an event to add to this calendar, please send a message to [email protected]
Free refreshments will be provided.
WHEN: Wednesday Sept. 26th from 4:45-5:45pm (the club normally meets every other Wednesday at the same time/location).
Andrew T. McNamara Building
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Room: 3501 (Third Floor)
Address: 8725 John J. Kingman Road
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
DIRECTIONS: http://belvoir.toastmastersclubs.org/directions.html
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS: Please send an email to [email protected] or visit us at: http://belvoir.toastmastersclubs.org
GUESTS/VISITORS: If you don’t have a government CAC card, please check in with Sergeant-at-arms Deborah Reeves ([email protected]) for assistance. Please send a message to [email protected] if you might be interested in trying a meeting role as a guest so we can get you signed up or if you have questions on how to do a role we can send you some instructions. Here is some additional information if you are a “First-timer”: https://www.toastmasters.org/Membership/Facts-for-First-Timers; Meeting Roles explained: https://www.toastmasters.org/Membership/Club-Meeting-Roles