Speaking On Purpose Virtual Panel Discussion
Speaking On Purpose Virtual Panel Discussion
Virtual Panel Discussion - Wednesday, July 31st, 12:00 - 1:00 pm. Topic: Advocacy - Facing The Challenges Time & Date: July 31st from 12 PM - 1 PM by Zoom Goal: Help people get interested in advocacy and remove the barriers. Panelists: Marcia Moran - 10-yr Stroke Survivor and Author of "Stroke Forward"; Produces website and podcasts under the same name; Provides support and services to help other survivors thrive. Andrew Davie, MA - 6-yr Brain Aneurysm Survivor, Author of "Land of Allusions", Prolific Fiction Writer and Public Speaker building public awareness of Acquired Brain Injuries. Toni Popkin - 19-yr multiple Brain Injury Survivor; Guest Lecturer at Chicago Institute of Psychology; Builds public awareness for brain injuries & service dogs locally and congressionally. Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84985140569?pwd=vQekX7b0IAV6qoaqxrG8d57aGr2whK.1 Meeting ID: 849 8514 0569 / Passcode: 700782