If you wish to submit an event to add to this calendar, please send a message to [email protected]

District 29 In-Person TLI

In Person TLI at Verizon facility located at 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy, Ashburn, VA. Time:  8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/toastmasters-leadership-institute-tickets-462572024377 Schedule: 8:30 AM • Plenary 9:00 AM • President • Vice President of Education (VPE) • Secretary • Treasurer • Vice President of Membership (VPM) • Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR) 10:00 AM • Hybrid Membership Building • Pathways Deep Dive • Sergeant at Arms (SAA) • Club Coach 11:00 AM • Pathways for Base Camp Manager (BCM) • Humorously Speaking, Seriously • Free Toast Host • Conflict Management in Toastmasters Clubs Noon Lunch Provided 12:30 Special Session

Toast of Fredericksburg Worskhop

The Toast of Fredericksburg Toastmasters Club in Fredericksburg Virginia is inviting you to a special workshop. Please see the full invitation in video form here: https://www.facebook.com/toastoftheburg/videos/1260478124743346 We are eager to share about this upcoming event we hope you will attend. We are excited about this workshop, and we believe you will find it entertaining and impactful: Join us on December 5th at 7 PM on Zoom for a free seminar entitled “What is Your Why?” Find out your “WHY” for improving your communication skills and how membership in Toastmasters can help you achieve your goals. Register today at http://toastoffredericksburg.info In this free 60-minute seminar we will explore: 1. How your “why” relates to your life purpose and how injecting your purpose or your WHY into your job, your goals, or your life objectives will drive you to success. 2. We will do a DRIVE Assessment to see what motivates you. 3. You will craft your I AM statement to describe who you are 4. You will review the benefits of improving your communication skills 5. You will answer the question “What is Your Why?” for improving those skills. 6. You will understand how Toastmasters can support your WHY You never know where Toastmasters could take you. Tap into your “WHY” to find out! Register today at http://toastoffredericksburg.info Hope to see you there!

Centreville Toastmasters presents a Club Culture Panel Discussion

Monday December 5, 2022, 7:00pm ET Contact [email protected] for ZOOM link Hear from our distinguished panel of experts.  DTM, Bettie St. Clair, DTM Dana Richard and DTM Lynda Kennedy Many factors influence a club’s success: membership numbers, renewal rates and education achievements, for example. But an intangible and often overlooked factor may be the most essential contributor to a club’s long-term success—its culture!  Culture, in this case, refers to the club’s environment—that blend of location, members, values, customs and practices. Craig Harrison, DTM,

DTM-A Holiday Open House

McCoart Building 1 County Complex Court, Woodbridge, VA, United States

DTM-A Open House Monday, December 5 @ 7:30 PM McCoart Building. RSVP to Ruth McBride

From Speaker to Trainer

North County Government Center 1801 Cameron Glen Drive, Reston, VA, United States

Saturday, December 10, 2022, 9 AM to 3:30 PM Location: North County Government Center, 1801 Cameron Glen Dr Reston, VA 20910 Registration link: https://bit.ly/speakertotrainerdec2022

Humor Mill Holiday Open House

Humor Mill Toastmasters Club December 13, 2022 Start time:  6:30 PM It’s an Open House with the theme of It’s Almost the New Year!  You can request the Zoom link from the club website in the Contact Us section on the left. It will be an evening to socialize, meet people, hear a guest speaker and practice your short speaking in a fun environment. Make sure that you wear a holiday sweater, have a holiday background, or both.  You may want to have a holiday drink by your side – eggnog, hot chocolate, peppermint tea, etc.  You will need paper and something to write with. We are all looking forward to this fun evening and hope you will join us. For more information about our club and to get the Zoom link, please visit: https://humormillclub.toastmastersclubs.org/ You can also contact: Gigi Maas, Vice President of Public Relations [email protected]

Beyond Storytelling (BeSt) Toastmasters Open House

Not the End, but a Beginning. What adventures will you find in the future? Open House event The Beyond Storytelling (BeSt) Toastmasters Club Globe and Laurel Restaurant Stafford, VA Friday, Dec 16, 2022, at 7 pm. RSVP by Tuesday, Dec 13 by 3 pm, https://beyondstorytelling.toastmastersclubs.org/ Call Rudy at 571-719-9532 if you plan to attend.

Manassas Community Toastmasters Holiday Event

Manassas Community Toastmasters Holiday event!!! The event will be held on December 17, 2022, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. TGI FRIDAYS 7401 Sudley Rd Manassas, VA 20109 Conveniently located near Sudley Rd & Williamson Blvd

Centreville Toastmasters Jingle & Mingle

Centreville Toastmasters invites you to Jingle & Mingle with them on Monday, December 19th 7:00pm ET at Fairfax Library, 10360 North Street Fairfax. Celebrate the season in Toastmaster Style with speeches, festive fun, and refreshments. Details or to RSVP email [email protected]  

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