Call for Nominations

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District Leader Nomination Form

It is time to nominate leaders for the 2023-2024 program year who are committed to the success of District 29.  If you have or know a fellow Toastmaster with the passion and desire to make a difference in the future of our district, please submit a nomination form (attached). Completing a full term (1-year) in these district leader positions satisfies the district leader requirement towards Distinguished Toastmaster.
We are currently calling for elected leader nominations.  The other leader positions will be
appointed by the newly elected District Director.  The elected district leader positions are:
·         District Director
·         Program Quality Director
·         Club Growth Director
·         7 Division Directors (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)
Submission of the nominating form will be used as a declaration to run.  By no means does this bind the candidate to run for office.  The candidate may choose to opt out of the process any time before elections are formally held in May.  Therefore, if you have a nominee interested in a district leader position, I would urge you to submit their names now.  They will find this as a valuable learning experience in their Toastmaster journey.
The nomination process is as follows:
·         Return completed nominating form as soon as feasible and before 28 February
  Email completed form to [email protected].
·         You may nominate yourself or if you nominate another Toastmaster, please ensure you
have discussed your nomination with your candidate before submitting the form.
·         Only 1 nominating form is required per person.
·         Once the nominating form is received, the candidate will be sent the required
application forms
 and additional information for the position(s) he or she is nominated for.
·         The District Leadership Committee (DLC) will process each application and contact the
candidate if additional information is required.
·         Each candidate’s eligibility will be verified against the requirements then an interview will
be scheduled in March 2023 for the qualified candidates.
·         The DLC will complete the evaluations and interviews by 11 March 2023. at which time the DLC will present our report to the District Director such that the nominated candidates can be announced in April on our website and at each of the Spring Division Contests.
·         Elections will take place at the Annual District Council Meeting on 1 May 2023 where our
District Council will vote for their choices.


All District leaders must be active individual members of Member Clubs in good standing within the District where they are elected or appointed to serve and must be in good standing with Toastmasters International under Article III, Section 8 of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International. The responsibilities and qualifications of each elected leader position are as follows:

As the District’s Chief Executive officer, direct the District in a way which fosters strong clubs;
produces maximum growth in education completions, clubs and membership; and be consistent with the interests of members of Toastmasters International. Motivate the District to achieve Distinguished recognition. Achieve the mission of the District in a manner that motivates volunteer leaders and promotes a standard of excellence in all District activities.
At the time of taking office, the District Director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director or Division Director or a combination thereof.

Under the guidance of the District Director, strive to have every club and each member reap the benefits of Toastmasters and to have every club become Distinguished. Provides direction and counsel to Division Directors, Area Directors, and Club Officers on the educational opportunities in Toastmasters. Design and conduct successful District training programs, conferences, and other District educational events.
At the time of taking office, the Program Quality Director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director or Division Director or an Area Director or a combination thereof.

Under guidance of the District Director, make the benefits of Toastmasters membership available to greater numbers of people. Plan, develop, implement, and direct District marketing objectives. Develop and direct programs for new club development, club rescue efforts, club membership promotion, and membership retention. Achieve Distinguished District goals for membership and club growth. Promote standards of service to the member and to the club.
At the time of taking office, the Club Growth Director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, a Club Growth Director or Division Director, Area Director or a combination thereof.

Achieve the mission of the District within the Division, accomplishing District goals in membership building and retention, club extension, and educational accomplishments. Ensure that each club realizes its mission and fulfills its responsibilities to members. Achieve Distinguished Division Program goals and ensure that Areas and clubs within the Division achieve Distinguished recognition. Serve the Division clubs by providing District support and resources through the Area Directors.
At the time of taking office, the Division Director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a member of a District Council.

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