August 14 TLI Agenda

Saturday, August 14, 2021
8:30 AM – 12:45 PM ET

To receive credit for your attendance, select the following to register:

Plenary Session – Required for all Officers and Toastmasters

8:30 AMBettie St. Clair, DTM, DDZoom

Core Officer Sessions:
Go to the training by selecting the Office Role which will take you to Zoom.

TimeOfficer RolesInstructors
9:30 PresidentNarayanan Doraswamy, DTM, IPDDZoom
9:30Vice President EducationCheryl Baker, DTMZoom
9:30 Vice President Public RelationsIvonne Vaughn, SR2Zoom
9:30SecretaryAmy Brener, DTM, PDDZoom
10:30Vice President MembershipRick Taylor, DTM, PQDZoom
10:30Sergeant at ArmsLamont Green, EH5Zoom
11:30TreasurerShelly Roman, DTM, FMZoom

Elective Sessions:
Attend an Elective by selecting the Elective Session which will take you to zoom.

TimeElective SessionsInstructors, Facilitators, & Panelists
9:30Contest Master &
Contest Coordinator
Kimberly Choplin, DTM, and
Regina Faulkerson, DTM
10:30Strengthening Corporate ClubsFacilitator: Paula Green, DTM
Panelists: Abdul Majid Mohammed, IP2
Kim Arney, P13, & Tirza Austin, IP3
10:30 Pathways 101Thomas Finley, DTMZoom
10:30 Chief Judge & Contest JudgeGwen Talbot, DTM & Karen Jacobs, DTMZoom
11:30High Performing Clubs –
Their Secret Sauce
Facilitator: Al Rivera, VC5
Panelists: Lynn Ann Mullane, MS5,
Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID, Past RA,
Earl Jensen, DL5
11:30Free Toast HostCheryl Baker, DTM, and
Narayanan Doraswamy, DTM, IPDD
11:30 Basecamp ManagerChalese Gilmore, DTM, CGDZoom
11:30Competing in Humorous
Speech Contests
Facilitator: Dave Chase, DTM
J. Allan Tyler, DTM,
and Dutch Martin, DTM
Contest Master & Contest Coordinator – Kimberly Choplin, DTM, and Regina Faulkerson, DTM
One of the keys to having a fantastic contest is having great Contest Masters and Contest Coordinators. This session reviews the responsibilities of both roles, and provides valuable insights on what Toastmasters can do to be a truly exceptional Contest Master and Contest Coordinator.
Strengthening Corporate Clubs – Panel Discussion – Paula Green, DTM, Abdul Majid Mohammed, IP2, Kim Arney, P13, Tirza Austin, IP3
Corporate Clubs have their own unique environments and challenges. ln this interactive panel discussion, we will examine strategies to strengthen corporate clubs and address common issues. Panelists will include members from some of District 29’s most successful corporate clubs, including Wizards of Ahs, Amazon IAD, and Sterling Toastmasters. If you are a member of a corporate club, this session is for you!
Pathway 101 – presented by Thomas Finley, DTM
This class will cover Pathways basic, i.e. online assessment, choosing the right path, exploring Base Camp, and working with Base Camp managers via an online demonstration and PowerPoint presentation.
Chief Judge vs. Contest Judge – Gwen Talbot, DTM, and Karen Jacobs, DTM
One of the keys to having a fantastic contest is having a great Chief Judge and Contest Judge. This session will include a review of the responsibilities of both roles and provide valuable insights on what Toastmasters can do to be truly an exceptional Chief Judge and Contest Judge.
High Performing Clubs — Their Secret Sauce – Panel Discussion – Al Rivera, VC5, Lynn Ann Mullane, MS5, and Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID, Past RA
How is it that certain clubs continue to be high performers year after year? In this session, attendees will gain insights from Immediate Past Club Presidents from two of District 29’s highest-performing clubs: PMIWDC#01 and Lake Ridge Toastmaster clubs. Each club has earned President’s Distinguished for 15+ consecutive years, completed 10/10 DCP goals for 15+ consecutive years, and achieved perfect TLI attendance for at least 11+ years. If you want to take your club’s performance to the next level, attend this session and learn about their “secret sauce” for success.
Free Toast Host – Cheryl Baker, DTM, and Narayanan Doraswamy, DTM, IPDD
It is more important than ever that your club website attracts guests and is also a functional resource for members. You don’t need to be an HTML geek to make your website more successful. In this session, you will learn how to make this excellent Club Management Tool really work for your club. We will look at tips, tricks and resources to maximize this tool.
Pathways for Basecamp Manager – presented by Chalese Gilmore, DTM, CGD
This session is geared to Club Presidents, Vice President Education and Secretaries and will cover Base Camp duties, including tracking members’ progress, as well as approving and submitting educational awards.
Competing in Humorous Speech Contests – Panel Discussion – Dave Chase, DTM, Jay Allan Tyler, DTM, and Dutch Martin, DTM
Are you interested in competing in a Humorous Speech Contest? This session with two past District 29 Humorous Speech Champions helps you create and deliver your best humorous speech. Go behind the scenes to learn both speech content creation and speech delivery techniques for an effective humorous speech.

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