District 29 Leadership Committee Report - District 29 Toastmasters

District 29 Leadership Committee Report

District 29 Leadership Committee and Chair announce
2021-2022 District 29 Elected Office’s Candidates

The District Leadership Committee (DLC) is governed by Article XI, Section (b) of the Toastmasters International District Administrative Bylaws and operated under the procedural rules adopted by the Toastmasters International Board of Directors for the selection of candidates for the District 29 elective offices.

The DLC members, including the chair:

  1. Had equal opportunity to express their perspectives during candidate-selection deliberations.
  2. Exercised independent judgment during the selection process.
  3. Considered the experience, abilities, and qualifications of each candidate.
  4. Kept in mind the best interests of Toastmasters International, its Member Clubs, individual members and the District.
  5. Interviewed and discussed each candidate for each elective District office.

The DLC successfully completed the requirements of District Administrative Bylaws Protocol 9 and we proudly nominate the following candidates listed in alphabetical order per position for the 2021-2022 program year with their flyers linked.

Candidate Showcase Video
District Candidate List with Photos

District DirectorBettie St. Clair, DTM
Program Quality DirectorRick Taylor, DTM
Club Growth DirectorChalese Gilmore, DTM
Club Growth DirectorPaula Green, DTM
Club Growth DirectorJohn Lammé, DTM
Division A DirectorEarl Jensen, DL5, IP3, MS5, VC2
Division A DirectorDeborah Reeves, DTM
Division B DirectorLee Proctor, EH3, LD1, MS1, IP5
Division C DirectorKelly Wenner, PM4
Division D DirectorSukumar Nayak, EC5, MS4
Division E DirectorClarien Braxton, DTM
Division F DirectorLeilani DeWitt, MS4
Division G DirectorJean Monroe, IP4, PM3

I would like to thank the following members of the DLC for their service to District 29 and dedication to Toastmasters.  They are exemplars of our Toastmasters values.

David Chase, DTMJoyce Michaud, DTM
Marsha Collins, DTMShantel Nock, DTM
Lynne Cordary, DTMTrin Xue, IP3
Yolanda, Harlan, IP3, PM1   

With a very special thanks to Dwight Yamada, DTM, PDG for his technical help and all his support.

Respectfully submitted,

Shu Bartholomew, DTM, PDG
District 29 Leadership Committee Chair

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